Paper Submission

Full conference papers and practical experience reports for MMB & DFT 2016 must be submitted electronically through the EasyChair Conference Management System. Only PDF files will be accepted.

For formatting instructions, refer to the appropriate sections in the call for papers. Papers that violate the formatting instructions risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

Please visit this EasyChair page for submission.


How to use the EasyChair Conference System as an author?

  • Create a user account according to the instructions on the MMB & DFT 2016 EasyChair webpage (if you do not already have one).
  • Once inside the MMB & DFT 2016 submission site: Create a new submission, add author(s), put title and abstract into the submission window.
  • Select a suitable category (full papers with up to 15 pages in LNCS format or experience reports with up to 8 pages).
  • Add keywords (to support reviewer assignment) and upload your paper as a PDF file.
  • Fill out the form, then press the 'Submit Paper' button.

The submission deadline for full conference papers and practical experience reports is October 12 October 26, 2015 at 23:59 in PST timezone (UTC -8).